Features Modern development.,Refurbished throughout.,First floor. ,Available September 2024,Easy access to Nottingham City Hospital,Sought After Location ,No pets allowed.,No smoking allowed.,Outskirts of Nottingham.,Excellent access to public transport.
Property Description DESCRIPTION A modern development, This refurbished care home is a large development converted in sixteen self contained and individual flats. This is one of our ONE bedroom apartments. The property is situated in Carrington, which is on the outskirts of Nottingham City and just off Nottingham's ring road. The property locations provides easy access to Nottingham City Hospital and Nottingham City Centre. COMMUNAL Entering into the property via the front door, access to the apartments is via a secure intercom system. KITCHE/LIVING Entering into the flat leads into an open plan kitchen and living area with wall and base mounted units for the kitchen and a spacious area for living room furniture. BEDROOM A double bedroom with high ceilings, neutral decor and grey carpet. ENSUITE An ensuite shower room consisting of Shower Cubicle, Wc and Sink.