TO LET - Absolutely prime car showroom site capable of displaying in excess of 120 cars externally plus more internally in 2 car showrooms.
Highly visible site fronting The Bay Gateway and Mellishaw Lane with access off Mellishaw Lane.
Approximately 1.25 acres site area or thereabouts with car showrooms and ancillary service areas, mot station, valeting bay and offices some 11,000 square feet overall or thereabouts.
Extremely rare opportunity to acquire such a prominent site ready to trade. Viewing essential.
Location - Morecambe is an extremely popular traditional seaside holiday resort sitting on the eastern shores of Morecambe Bay looking towards the Lakeland Fells.
Morecambe is benefitting from ongoing development and regeneration initiatives including the proposed Eden Project Morecambe for which a planning application has been submitted and funding agreed with Central Government. Designed to showcase the ecology of the Bay, Eden Project Morecambe will further enhance the tourist and resident attraction of Morecambe once built, as well as further improve student diversity in conjunction with Lancaster University.
Description - TO LET - Car Showroom premises situated in an extremely prominent and visible trading location fronting Mellishaw Lane and The Bay Gateway which leads out to the M6 motorway. Prime location.
Large site area of some 1.25 acres or thereabouts able to display externally in excess of 120 cars together with modern glazed car showrooms capable of displaying a further 18 cars internally. The car showroom complex includes two showrooms plus a number of offices at ground and first floor levels, service department, parts department, preparation bay, mot bay and service bay with external access through 10 roller shutter doors and space for a number of ramps.
Overall floor area of the buildings some 11,000 square feet or thereabouts.
Accommodation Of Building -
Main Front Car Showroom - 27.43m x 5.18m plus wrap around 7.62m x 4.11m (90' - Extensive window display.
Side Car Showroom - 24.84m x 7.54m (81'6" x 24'9") - Extensive window display, access to first floor offices.
Reception Area - 4.32m x 3.30m (14'2" x 10'10") - Seating Area.
Manager's Office - 3.48m x 3.25m (11'5" x 10'8") -
Office - 4.09m x 3.00m (13'5" x 9'10") -
Office - 3.76m x 2.79m (12'4" x 9'2") -
Office - 3.58m x 2.97m (11'9" x 9'9") -
Service Office - 4.60m x 3.48m (15'1" x 11'5") -
Rear Office - 3.23m x 2.44m (10'7" x 8') -
Parts Department Plus Mezzanine Above - 6.15m x 5.82m plus mezzanine 8.20m x 5.36m (20'2" - With internal staircase.
Preparation Bay - 11.80 x 7.07 (38'8" x 23'2") - Spacious valeting bay with 3 roller up and over doors.
Mot Bay - 9.44 x 6.82 (30'11" x 22'4") - with ramp and rollers, 2 roller up and over doors.
Service Bay - 18.10 x 7.57 (59'4" x 24'10") - With 3 ramps and 4 roller up and over doors.
Various Toilets And Kitchen Areas -
First Floor -
Office - 4.28 x 3.87 (14'0" x 12'8") -
Office - 3.90 x 3.04 (12'9" x 9'11") -
Services - All mains services available.
Extensive Car Parking - External hard standing display for in excess of 120 cars plus a further 18 internal within the car showrooms.
Segregated access to the preparation bay, mot bay and service bay.
Further ancillary parking. Access off Mellishaw Lane at the roundabout.
Rateable Value - £94,500.
Vat - The subject premises are elected for VAT purposes, so VAT will be due and payable on top of the rent.
Viewing Arrangements - Strictly by appointment with Fisher Wrathall Commercial, 82 Penny Street, Lancaster, LA1 1XN.
Please call to arrange or email: