We’ve reduced this property's rent by £75 per week. Book your viewing now to secure a super saving!
Water, gas, electricity, and internet bills are included in this price! Rent and bills are £195 per week per person. You don't have to worry about splitting costs with housemates or finding the best supplier; our team have handled this for you!
There's no need to argue over the biggest room when large double bedrooms are standard! Your room has a double bed and a desk, perfect for those work-from-home days.
The bathroom offers a bath with an overhead shower, so you can soak your worries away or energise yourself with a refreshing shower.
You can forget piles of washing up as your flat is fitted with a dishwasher and washing machines always come as standard! Your kitchen has been recently refreshed, with a spacious fridge and heaps of cupboard space.
Central hotspots are just a short walk away! You'll be only a:
- 1-minute walk from your local bus stop
- 22-minute walk from the city centre
- 14 minutes from Morrisons
- A 30-minute walk from Exeter St David's train station
Rosebarn Park provides a private sense of home and community, neatly tucked away in the centre of Exeter. It is an ideal base camp for exploring the city, with so much to see and do within walking distance.
Please note: some colour schemes may vary, but the imagery and virtual tour are a highly accurate representation of your Bread & Butter Collective home!
By visiting our website directly, you can book yourself a viewing - campbellproperty.co.uk.
Please note that Council Tax is only exempt for students, if you are not a student you will be liable to pay Council Tax.