Features Bed, Mattress & Wardrobe Included,Communal Kitchen, Utility and Lounge,Shared Use of the Private Garden,Off Road Parking,Minimum Twelve Month Tenancy,ALL BILLS INC. COUNCIL TAX AND WI-FI INCLUDED,AVAILABLE NOW!
Property Description Martin & Co are charmed to endeavour this high spec double bedroom to rent in an alluring, detached house in Abbeyfields, Elstow, Bedford. The room is furnished to a great standard and is available end of February.Shared use of the kitchen, utility room and dining area available.Bed, Mattress & Wardrobe Included Communal Kitchen, Utility and Lounge Shared Use of the Private Garden Off Road Parking Minimum Twelve Month TenancyALL BILLS INC. COUNCIL TAX AND WI-FI INCLUDEDSINGLE OCCUPANCY ONLYAVAILABLE END OF FEBRUARYMartin & Co for themselves, and for the vendors/owners of the property, whose agents they are, give notice that;(A) These particulars are produced in good faith, but are set out as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of a contract;(B) No person in the employment of Martin & Co has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to the property.
£ 1400\mo Cardington Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK42 2 Bathroom/s 3 Bedroom/s Houses / Semi-Detached