Property Description 25.7 acres (10.40ha) arable land to let by informal tender, deadline for tenders: Monday 2nd September 2024.Description - A parcel of arable land extending to approximately 25.7 acres (10.40ha).Location And Situation - The land is located on the south western edge of the village of Ufford, approximately 8 miles west of Peterborough and 5 miles east of Stamford. The land is accessed via Meadow View. What3words location:/// year.dreading.liftedLand Classification And Soil Type - The land is classified as grade 3 agricultural land.Soilscapes describes the soil as shallow lime-rich soils over chalk or limestone with loamy texture, is freely draining and lime rich medium fertility (soilscape 3).Tenure - The land is offered to let on a Farm Business Tenancy for an initial term of 2 years and will commence on 29th September 2024.Services - The agent is not aware that the land is connected to any services.Boundaries - The land is bounded by a mixture of stone wall, mature trees and hedges and wooden fencing.Environmental Schemes - The agent is not aware that the land is subject to any environmental land schemes.Wayleaves/Easements/Rights Of Way - There is a public footpath that crosses the land from east to west. The access provision is owned but shared with neighbouring residents.The Agents are not aware of any further easements, wayleaves or rights of way.Guide Rent - The rent is guided at: £4,150 per annum (£150/acre)The rent will be payable half yearly in advanceMethod Of Letting - The land is offered by informal tender as follows:Tenderers must complete a Form of Tender and return it by 12 NOON on Monday 2nd September 2024 to:Andrew Granger and Co Ltd44 - 46 Forest RoadLoughboroughLeicestershireLE11 3NPor via email to: rebecca. or Plan - The plan and red lines are provided for identification purposes only.Viewing - The land may be viewed on foot at any reasonable daylight hours by persons in possession of a copy of these particulars.Further Information - For any further information, please contact :Rebecca Falder Bsc (Hons), MRICS, FAAVAndrew Granger & Company, 44-46 Forest Road, Loughborough, LE11 3NPTel: E-mail: rebecca.