-bedroom Land for rent at Land Situate in and around Fulney, Spalding

Land Situate in and around Fulney, Spalding SPALDING
£1 pa\wk
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  • Land - Land ()
  • 5415815 sq. ft.

In and round Fulney, Spalding, Lincolnshire.

To Let by Informal Tender as a whole on a 5 year Farm Business Tenancy Agreement commencing October 2024. Closing date for Tenders 12 Noon on Friday 30th August 2024.

Excellent Quality Grade 1 Arable Land, Situated in and round Fulney, Spalding, Lincolnshire. In total approximately 124.33 acres (50.32 hectares) or thereabouts - All Grade 1

A useful opportunity to acquire an initial 5 year Farm Business Tenancy of some 124.33 Acres (50.32 Hectares) or thereabouts of excellent quality Grade 1 arable land situated in and around Fulney lying just to the south-east of Spalding.

The land is offered To Let as a whole and comprises a number of enclosures all as indicated on the Location Plan attached to these particulars. The individual fields vary in size, many fronting onto, or with access from, public roads
and all lie within 2 miles of the centre of Spalding.

The land is classified as ´Grade 1´ on the Land Classification Map of England and Wales. All of the land is of the ´Wallasea 2´ Soil Series, described as deep stoneless clayey soils, calcareous in places suitable for potatoes, sugar beet, cereals and field vegetables.

The land is offered to let on a 5 Year Fixed Term Farm Business Tenancy commencing as from 18th October 2024. The Tenancy Agreement will be produced on a Lincolnshire Association of Agricultural Valuers Farm Business Tenancy Standard Agreement, a copy of which will be available from the Letting Agents upon request.

Rent will be payable half yearly in advance, the first payment will be due on the signing of the Tenancy Agreement. Rent will thereafter be payable on the 6th April and 11th October of each year. VAT is not currently payable on the rent. In the event that the property or any part thereof, any rights, contracts or quotas become a chargeable supply for VAT purposes, such VAT will be payable in addition to the rent at the prevailing rate (currently 20%). A rent review will be in accordance with the Provisions of the 1995 Agricultural Tenancies Act. There will be a rent review opportunity at the end of Year 3.

The tenant will be responsible for ensuring that they have full Public Liability Insurance in place to a suitable level and will supply a copy of their Public Liability Policy annually upon request.

There are no services connected to any of the land.

The land is offered to let subject to and offered with the benefit of any existing rights including rights of way whether public or private, light, support, drainage, water and electricity and other rights, easements, quasi-easements, and all
wayleaves whether referred to specifically in these Particulars or not. The Landlord will retain all wayleave payments in respect of the farm.

Where any of the land borders drains that fall within the control/responsibility of the South Holland Internal Drainage Board, then interested parties should be aware that the Drainage Board have statutory byelaw rights for maintenance, cleansing and repair etc.

The tenant will be responsible for the maintenance of all private dykes, roadways and any other Landlord´s items that are included in the letting.

Specifically, the roadway that leads down to Lowfields Farm is a private road and a detailed discussion will take place on behalf of the Landlord and the appointed tenant as to the repairing/maintenance responsibilities for that roadway and the timing and responsibility for the trimming of trees along part of that roadway prior to the completion of the tenancy agreement.

The Landlord is retaining a small area of land to the rear of Lowfields Farmhouse which is delineated with appropriate stakes. There are other areas adjacent to some dykes and hedges which will be excluded from the letting as the landlord has further hedge/tree planting plans. These small areas will be pointed out to interested parties with a further plan upon request. They concern the west boundary of Field No. 9 and the west boundary of Field No. 10.

There will also be an area of land retained at the rear of the Hollies Farmyard. This will be staked and available for inspection. No access to Field No. 1 will be available through Hollies Yard, only via the corner of Field No. 2.

The outgoing tenant is to plough all of the land following crop clearance at its own expense and no charge for this will be made to the incomer. There will be no other charge for Tenant Right nor counter-claim for Dilapidations (if any). Subject to any late Harvest problems for the 2024 cropping, it is anticipated that the agreed date of availability for the farm will be 18th October 2024.

No buildings nor yards are included in the letting.

There are no contracts nor quotas available with the letting.

Sporting Rights are not included in the letting of the land and are reserved to the Landlord.

The benefit of the delinked payments which are to be paid during 2024/27 will be for the benefit of the outgoing tenant. Now that the Basic Farm Payment Scheme has ended, there are no grants nor subsidies nor other payments currently due on the land.

If an incoming tenant wishes to enter into any Environmental Schemes, then, subject to prior written approval from the Landlord, the incoming tenant will have the benefit of such payments but the contractual term of such schemes must not exceed the term of the tenancy.

The Landlord wishes to confirm that any plastic or fleece that is used on crops must be recyclable or biodegradable and should not be stored on the land at any time other than on or over a growing crop.

The tenant will be responsible for the payment of the annual Drainage Rates to the South Holland Internal Drainage Board. Drainage Rates for the 2024/2025 Rating Year will be apportioned and the incoming tenant will pay the outgoing tenant the proportion due from the effective date of the Tenancy Agreement to 31st March 2025.

Interested parties may walk the land during daylight hours as long as they are carrying a set of these Particulars with them and should, at all times and for the protection of their own personal safety, take appropriate precautions to ensure that no damage occurs either to themselves nor to the land, anything growing on the land, nor appliances or tenants equipment nor any part thereof.

These particulars and plans have been prepared as carefully as possible. It should be noted that the plans have been specifically prepared ´for identification purposes only´ and although believed to be correct, their accuracy is not guaranteed. The areas have been prepared from the Registered Title areas of the Land and are not cropped areas.

The successful tenant shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the extent of the land and all boundaries. Any specific enquiries regarding these points should be made to the Letting Agents, if any further information is required regarding the land or any related matters, please contact R Longstaff & Co LLP Agricultural Department on Option 4.

Schedule of Fields, Areas, Present and Back Cropping - Please see schedule in brochure.

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