Features House share.,Bills included, including wifi.,Walking distance to River Trent.,Edge of Nottingham City Center.,Two bathrooms.,Ground floor bedroom.,Full furnished.,Gas centrally heated.,Lockable bedroom doors.,Call to view.
Property Description A large seven bedroom house share consisting of young working professionals. A combination of male and female residents make up this property.Room TWO is a large double bedroom as you can see in the photographs there is excellent space for furniture.Two bathrooms to the property, communal kitchen with two fridge freezers and communal living room with LED TV.Bedroom comes furnished with Bed, Wardrobe, Drawers and Bed side table.
£ 850\mo The Hicking Building, Queens Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 3BX 1 Bathroom/s 1 Bedroom/s Flats / Apartments / Apartment
£ 1300\mo Saffron Court, Crocus Street, Nottingham, NG2 2 Bathroom/s 2 Bedroom/s Flats / Apartments / Apartment