VIRTUAL TOUR NOW AVAILABLE*BILLS INCLUSIVE STUDENT HOUSE* Available September 2024: Completely renovated from top to toe in 2022, Bricks & Mortar are delighted to announce the availability of this eight bedroom student house on Dilston Road.
As part of the utilities package, it includes gas, electric, water, TV License and broadband Tenants will also receive complimentary access to a meditation app.
The property is finished to an excellent standard with specialist interior design by 'Borne Design' along with artwork by Art + Believe.
Split across 3 floors, the property acommodates a large communal area with a high spec kitchen including two integrated fridge freezers, a double oven, washing machine and drier. There is a dining area with table and chairs along with sofas to the living room and a TV.
Each bedroom comes with a bed, chest of drawers, wardrobe space, bedside table and built-in desk with chair.
There are bus links nearby for quicker access to Newcastle City Centre which is also more than accessible on foot.
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