-bedroom Land for rent at Over Cassock Farm, Eskdalemuir, Dumfriesshire, DG13

Over Cassock Farm, Eskdalemuir, Dumfriesshire, DG13 Langholm
£12 pa\wk
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  • Land - Land (Unfurnished)
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Land extending to 1460.53 acres (591.07 ha),Available to let as a whole on a 5 year Short Limited Duration Tenancy commencing 1st November 2024,Two well proportioned modern farm buildings with high quality cattle and sheep facilities,The land is classed as predominately Grade 5.2 and 6.3 under the Hutton Institute Land Capabilities for Agriculture in Scotland.,Tender forms to be submitted to C & D Rural no later than 12 noon on Tuesday 27th August 2024

An exciting opportunity to rent a well equipped, versatile, hill farm with land extending to 1460.53 acres (591.07 ha) . Available to let as a whole on a 5 year Short Limited Duration Tenancy commencing 1st November 2024.


Over Cassock farm has been in the Glendinning Family and farmed in hand since 1794. The family are seeking to let the farm to an occupier who is forward-thinking and looking to build a long term relationship which provides an excellent opportunity for new entrants or as a secondary holding to an existing farming unit. Historically the farm has been farmed to a high level producing some of the best native breed cattle and sheep, to include Aberdeen Angus cattle and Scottish Black Face and Cheviot sheep.


A livestock hill farm situated on the picturesque county border of Dumfriesshire and the Scottish Borders, in total the farm extends to approximately 591.07 Ha (1460.53 acres). The land is divided into 20 field parcels accessed centrally from the farm steading and from field to field, well stocked and natural water supplies to all enclosures. The property and traditional steading located adjacent to the modern farm steading are excluded from the tenancy. The modern and traditional buildings are vernacular in nature and are located at Over Cassock farm. The buildings at Over Cassock consist of two modern portal framed buildings offering adequate cattle housing for a farm of this nature and traditional brick built sheep handling facilities.


The steading at Over Cassock is a traditional hill farm steading, comprising of two modern portal frame buildings and a traditional brick built sheep yard

Building 1- Cattle Shed (413.34 sq. m.)

Steel portal framed with fibre cement roof, Yorkshire Boarding and concrete side panels and a hardstanding floor. Adjacent to the shed is a purpose built cattle handling system complete with modern cattle crush and raceway.

Building 2- Cattle Shed (62.95 sq.m.) Timber framed shed with fibre cement roof, Yorkshire Boarding and breeze block walls and a hardstanding floor. Both sheds are supplied by a natural water supply as well as rain water collection.

Sheep Pens Adjacent to the steading is a selection of traditional brick built sheep pens, the pens are in exceptional order and have been well maintained offering perfect sheep handling facilities for a farm of this nature. Throughout the holding there are a series of roundels which have been well maintained.


The land extends to 591.07 Ha (1460.53 acres) in 20 land parcels and all parcels benefit from natural water supplies. The land is classed as predominantly Grade 5.2 and 6.3 under the Hutton Institute Land Capability for Agriculture in Scotland. The land is mainly grazing land with a small amount of mowing land, all laid to permanent pasture. The steading lies at around 224m above sea level with the land extending up to around 534m above sea level, the area experiences an annual average rainfall of over 1500mm. The soils on the holding are split between brown earthy soils at the valley bottom, with the remaining large majority of the holding consisting of peat soils over rock. The land has historically been well managed, received regular applications of farmyard manure and fertiliser and is considered to be in good heart. The boundaries are formed by stone walls, stock fences and live hedges. The Tenant will be responsible for the maintenance of all boundaries.

Basic Payment Scheme

The agricultural land has been allocated payment Region 2. The Landlord has submitted a claim in 2024 and will retain the payments for the 2024 scheme year. 560.44 units of Region 2 entitlements are available to purchase to claim from 2025 from the Landlord at £15 + VAT per entitlement. The Tenant upon occupation of the subjects for let will be required and be responsible to comply with the statutory management requirements and good agricultural and environmental conditions, as laid down within the cross compliance documentation 2024. Boundaries It will be the responsibility of the Tenant to maintain the boundaries on the holding.

Rights of Way, Servitudes & Wayleaves

The farm will be let subject to all existing rights of way, servitudes and wayleaves. A right of access will be retained by the landlord for the exercise and use of the rifle range over the holding, practice days are proposed to be held monthly of which the tenant will liaise appropriately to manage there livestock on days of use.


All growing timber is excluded from the tenancy and will remain the property of the Landlord.


Baled silage is available to purchase by separate negotiation if required.

There is a landlords flock of mainly pure-bred, hefted sheep, which can be purchased by the tenant should they wish. The flock consists of 400 regular aged ewes, split into 220 South Country Cheviots, 180 Scottish Blackface a further 100 ewe lambs, consisting of 55 Cheviots and 45 Blackface will be kept as replacements for 2025


  • The farm will be available to let as a whole on a 5 year full repairing and insuring Short Limited Duration Tenancy (SLDT) from 1st November 2024.

  • Copies of the Heads of Terms of the SLDT will be made available on request and will be available on the viewing days.

  • The Tenant will take on the farm in the condition found on entry and will put and keep the farm in tenantable order and condition in accordance with the tenancy agreement at the end of the tenancy. All tenders should be based on this understanding and calculated accordingly.

  • The Tenant will be responsible for contributing £500 plus VAT towards the preparation of the Tenancy Agreement.

  • A Record of Condition will be prepared by C & D Rural at the commencement of tenancy with the associated cost to be shared between Landlord and Tenant.

  • The Tenant will be responsible for any Land Business Transaction Tax payable in relation to the letting.


    Viewings are strictly by appointment only, on the following open days :

  • Thursday 8th August 2024 (10 am - 3 pm)

  • Thursday 15th August 2024 (10 am - 3 pm)

  • An agent will be available to assist with any queries on the viewing day.

  • During the viewing days prospective Tenants are asked to be vigilant, take care when viewing and be mindful that stock will be present on the farm. Access to the land will only be allowed on the viewing days in an organised manner.


  • Tender packs are available on request from C & D Rural by e-mail to or by phone . A fee of £10 is payable for a pack and a payment link will be sent on request. Tender forms must be returned by email to with the subject ‘’Tender for Over Cassock Farm’’ by 12 noon on Tuesday 27th August 2024 or by post to C & D Rural, Lakeside, Townfoot, Longtown, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA6 5LY and marked for the attention of Jacob Armett.


  • Particulars and photographs prepared in July 2024.

    IMPORTANT NOTICE The particulars of the Holding and plans and schedules are presumed to be correct but are subject to alterations and amendments if any error or omission is discovered therein. All descriptions, dimensions, area references are given as a guide only and without responsibility. Plans are not to scale, are for guidance only and do not form part of the contract. Nothing in these particulars or any related discussions forms part of any contract unless expressly incorporated within a subsequent written agreement.

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