Features Viewing available now.,One bedroom flat situated on the edge of the town centre.,The market town of Braintree offers excellent shopping facilities within the town including the George Yard shopping centre, a selection of small shops and supermarkets. The town also (truncated),The property is available for a period of 12 months on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy, initially at a rent of £850.00 per calendar month, exclusive of all utilities, water rates and Council Tax.,Tenants are required to pay a deposit of five weeks (£980.00) to be held against any dilapidations or arrears caused during the term of the tenancy. Deposit monies will be registered.,It will be the responsibility of the in-going tenants to ensure all main services are reconnected and arrangements for future payments to be made direct to each supplier.,References will be required. Application forms will be provided, on approval from the landlords applicants will be required to pay one weeks rent as a holding deposit.
Property Description Viewing available now.One bedroom flat situated on the edge of the town centre.The market town of Braintree offers excellent shopping facilities within the town including the George Yard shopping centre, a selection of small shops and supermarkets. The town also offers schooling for all ages and there is a branch line station with service through to London Liverpool Street. On the outskirts of the town, off the by-pass, is the business park, the Freeport Designer shopping village, and a small selection of restaurants, cinema and bowling complex. The A120 gives fast access across to Stansted Airport and the M11.The property is available for a period of 12 months on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy, initially at a rent of £850.00 per calendar month, exclusive of all utilities, water rates and Council Tax.Tenants are required to pay a deposit of five weeks (£980.00) to be held against any dilapidations or arrears caused during the term of the tenancy. Deposit monies will be registered.It will be the responsibility of the in-going tenants to ensure all main services are reconnected and arrangements for future payments to be made direct to each supplier.References will be required. Application forms will be provided, on approval from the landlords applicants will be required to pay one weeks rent as a holding deposit.