-bedroom Barn for rent at Barns to Let - Riddlecombe, Chulmleigh, EX18

Barns to Let - Riddlecombe, Chulmleigh, EX18 Chulmleigh
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  • Character Property - Barn (Unfurnished)
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Buildings available to rent individually or together, with immediate effect until the 30th April 2021, when occupation will be reviewed.
A mix of agricultural barns with the potential for other commercial uses subject to the necessary consents. The buildings benefit from obtaining water and electricity connected. The buildings are situated in a quiet rural location and could easily be adapted for a range of storage uses. Available together or separately.

Building 1 613m2
Building 2 374m2
Building 3 348m2
Building 4 335m2
Building 5 365m2
Building 6 551m2

From Beacon Garage head north on the B3217 and follow the signs to Riddlecombe. The lane to the farm can then be found half way through the village on the left with a wooden sign marked at the top of the private lane.

Strictly by prior appointment only. Please contact Kivells Exeter on or email .

Interested parties are invited to register their interest with Kivells Exeter on or email .

Kivells on behalf of our client gives notice that: -
1. These particulars are produced in good faith, are set out as a general guide only and do not constitute any offer or part of any offer of contract.
2. All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and the necessary permission for use and occupation, and other details are given without responsibility and any intending tenders must satisfy themselves by inspecting or otherwise as to the correctness. Services and any appliances, plant and equipment referred to, have not been tested and cannot be verified as being in working order.
3. No person representing Kivells has any authority to make or to give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property.
4. In producing these particulars, information may have been provided by the outgoing tenant and is used in good faith. Neither Kivells nor its client, will be held responsible for any errors or omissions.
5. Kivells and/or the Landlord reserve the right to make changes.

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£ 700\mo


  • 1 Bathroom/s
  • 1 Bedroom/s
  • Houses / Semi-Detached
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