Property Description Now available is this well presented and spacious family home set in a really convenient location being a short walk from the High Street and all of its many amenities particularly schooling and transportation. There is a front living room with feature fireplace, a large open plan kitchen dining room, three bedrooms and a family bathroom with shower. The rear garden is enclosed and has a private aspect. Available early September. A pet will be considered.Material facts (Parts A + B) information correct as of: 30/07/24Council tax band – BEnergy rating – DHolding deposit – £311Damage deposit – £1,557What floor is the property situated? - 2 storey houseParking – on street - NOT allocatedHeadlease – NOUtilities – Electricity, Gas and Water. Mains fed.Utility restrictions – N/AHeating source – GasIndoor Phone coverage (source Ofcom) graded Likely, Limited or None – EE- Likely, Three- Likely , O2- Likely, Vodafone- LikelyBroadband download speed and supply type (source Ofcom) – 9Mbps standard - 1000Mbps UltrafastBuilding Material type – BrickLift access – NO LIFTMaterial facts (Part C)Building Safety – NARestrictions and Rights – not known at this time. Please ask agentRights and Easements - not known at this time. Please ask agentFlood and Erosion in last 5 years - not known at this time. Please ask agentPlanning Permissions - not known at this time. Please ask agentProperty accessibility/adaptations - not known at this time. Please ask agentCoalfield or Mining – not known at this time. Please ask agent